Self-Hosting Lanyard

Build the Docker image by cloning this repo and running:

# The latest version is already on the docker hub, you can skip this step unless you would like to run a modified version.docker build -t phineas/lanyard:latest .

If you don't already have a redis server you'll need to run one, here's the docker command to run one:

docker run -d --name lanyard-redis -v docker_mount_location_on_host:/data redis

And run Lanyard API server using:

docker run --rm -it -p 4001:4001 -e REDIS_HOST=redis -e BOT_TOKEN=<token> --link lanyard-redis:redis phineas/lanyard:latest

You'll be able to access the API using port 4001.

You also need to create a Discord bot and use its token above.

Create a bot here:

Make sure you enable these settings in your bot settings:

  • Privileged Gateway Intents > PRESENCE INTENT
  • Privileged Gateway Intents > SERVER MEMBERS INTENT

If you'd like to run Lanyard with docker-compose, here's an example:

version: "3.8"services:  redis:    image: redis    restart: always    container_name: lanyard_redis  lanyard:    image: phineas/lanyard:latest    restart: always    container_name: lanyard    depends_on:      - redis    ports:      - 4001:4001    environment:      BOT_TOKEN: <token>      REDIS_HOST: redis

Note, that you're hosting a http server, not https. You'll need to use a reverse proxy such as traefik if you want to secure your API endpoint.

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